Instagram has made some changes recently that’s affecting every brand we’ve been in contact with. Reach has tanked yet again, followers have been lost, then gained back, then lost again, and engagement is dropping by the day.
It’s time to diversify.
A key trend we’re seeing happen for brands starting as early as January 2018 is that brands that had been built on organic social strategies like social influencers, great content and authentic engagement with their audience can’t get by with those same strategies any more. They’re important still for sure, they’re just not pulling in the same magic they once were.
We love organic strategies, and you should still too. Organic is part of what builds a profitable marketing mix that can sustain for the long-haul. And organic is what gives ground cover to test new things with marketing dollars, fail, iterate, and eventually find those veins of gold.
You can’t build your castle on rented land.
Social Media platforms will only continue to cut brands’ organic performance
2019 is only proving further that the social media platforms will change on a dime and brands need to take back some ownership if their revenue growth from these giants. If you haven’t invested in long-term, sustainable SEO it’s time. If you haven’t focused on email list growth, it’s time. If you’re not leveraging the earned media your PR team is getting, it’s time.
Want to learn more? Book a free consultation with us today at, or enter your info below to receive our FREE guide of 17+ actionable promotions you can implement to increase your brand’s revenue and profit margins (no discounts needed!).